WA CPS Update


We are approaching the conference in just a few weeks! On March 19th we are excited to bring some great networking and enrichment opportunities to our CPST Instructors. On March 20th, ALL technicians are invited to attend and gain some valuable technical knowledge suitable for CEUs (and more networking!). You must register to attend on or before March 4th https://forms.gle/LcGr8xkX36EwmJ5M8. The block of hotel rooms at government rate will not be available for much longer.


In 2023, the Washington Traffic Safety Commission made an investment to collect child passenger safety data from observing use and conducting intercept surveys. This data is important as it represents families who are not at a seat check event. The surveys conducted last year represented children who were visiting a department store; likely in their family vehicle. The process started with developing the collection form, intercept questions, and programming into tablets. Educational items were generated in English and Spanish. Next was site selection and obtaining permission from store management. A CPST course was held for the observers (yes, they were all trained technicians). I am excited to share the final brief https://wtsc.wa.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/CPS-Survey-2023.pdf. If you are attending Lifesavers 2024 in Denver in April, be sure to attend the Level up Your CPS Program Through Data Literacy workshop as the process will be shared by Almeida’s Consulting.

Speaking of Lifesavers Conference, Washington is also going to be represented in the Get Creative with CPS Programs to Meet Community Needs workshop. Wanda Yamashita, CPST-I, will be sharing the program implemented in the Department of Children Youth and Family (DCYF) services. If you are asked to teach the caseworkers on child passenger safety, the outline of the process can be found at https://wacarseats.com/technicians-resources/ under Community Outreach Program. The process utilizes the Car Seat Awareness Class curriculum.


You will find attached the tentative CPST course calendar. You will notice three courses have been added. In partnership with the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board, we are hosting a course at the Spokane, Muckleshoot, and Yakama Tribe. A priority will be given to tribal members and those who support tribal family services. Much interest has been expressed already in Spokane! We are excited to provide this supportive training opportunity and empower families in keeping their children safe.


If you have been in this industry for very long; you have probably been asked this question – more than once. The State program provides grants for the purchase and distribution of child restraints for families in need. However, there simply is not enough funding or resources to meet every need. A tool is attached, generated by Child Care Action Council/Safe Kids Thurston County, to help in educating caregivers of potential resources. The item is NOT intended for distribution; only as a tool to educate others.


National Heatstroke Prevention Day Is May 1, 2024

Heatstroke is one of the leading causes of vehicular not-in-traffic non-crash-related deaths for children. Sadly, 969 children have died from heatstroke in a hot car since 1998.

  • In 2023, 29 children died because of vehicular heatstroke.
  • On average, 37 children die per year due to vehicular heatstroke.

Yet, this tragedy is 100% preventable.

While it seems like an impossible mistake to make, every parent or caregiver can potentially become distracted, and distractions often fuel this devastating situation. No one is immune.

We each have a role to play to help keep our kids safe. Help us share life-saving tips and resources with as many people as we can.

Help us spread the word:
Once You Park, Stop, Look, Lock.

Click here for campaign materials.

NHTSA is preparing to release a new tagline and campaign material for Vehicular Heatstroke Prevention around May 1. Until then, you can continue using our previous material.

There is a free virtual training I would suggest everyone take and promote in your communities. https://carseateducation.org/product/kids-in-hot-cars


Buckle Up for Life is a national child passenger safety education program, created in 2004 by Cincinnati Children’s and Toyota to empower all people to buckle up and go safely—one family, one car seat, one lesson at a time.

Opportunities: Buckle Up for Life is accepting applications for two flagship opportunities, to help reduce the risk of motor vehicle-related injury and death during the 2024-2025 program year. Please review the attachment for more information.

  • Apply through April 15, 2024, 8:00 PM EST
  • Community Grant and Gift of Safety


Today we are provided with many items at our fingertips. Of course, go to www.wacarseats.com for Washington specific information. 😉

For other helpful items, visit https://cert.safekids.org/resources-faqs. This is just one example of helpful resources I found under OTHER, In Person Seat Check Suggestions. This item contains links to the installation videos you watched in your CPST course!

Looking for CEU or Community Education resources for recertification? Definitely visit https://carseateducation.org/ You can even request a virtual seat sign off to complete your recert requirements.

Keep up the great work in keeping our children safe in and around cars!