WA CPS Program Update, September 30, 2022
The NDCF website system will be down for maintenance on October 3 and 4 to update the website and apps. There will be a few fields added to the app, so to prevent any issues getting checks into the system, make sure to submit all checks in prior to October 2. Here are the updated forms to use now.
If you have any questions, info@carseatcheckform.org
We also have a supplement to the original NDCF User Guide. We are always learning from experience with this form/program. If you have information, questions, or information that might help others, join us for our next Q&A virtual session on October 19th at 2pm (I sent an invitation to all Washington certified child passenger safety technicians).
CURRENT MINI-GRANT RECIPIENTS: Invoices for goods received or services performed between July 1st and September 30th, must be received by Cesi Velez, Project Manager, no later than October 20th.
Invoices submitted for reimbursement after the above dates will not be paid.
Invoices must be submitted via email to Cesi Velez at velezc@ci.bonney-lake.wa.us. They must include a summary of the expenses listed on a signed A-19 form and copies of relevant expenses.
NOTE: All services performed by contracting child passenger safety technicians must also submit invoices to me as soon as possible.
POTENTIAL GRANTEES: For those who have submitted a grant proposal for fiscal year 2023 (Oct 1, 2022 – Sep 30, 2023) – your announcement will be receive electronically in the coming days.
For any travel occurring AFTER OCTOBER 1, 2022, remember to use the per diem rates from the Technicians Resources page. I have also included the additional notes which has important information.
Washington State has developed their own curriculum for child transporters which was recently updated/revised. There are some requirements to teaching the Car Seat Awareness Class; beginning with watching the Train-the-Trainer virtual training. In case you missed it; the recorded training will be available by visiting www.wacarseats.com, Technician Resources, Car Seat Awareness Class. You must also attend the virtual class to see how it is currently being taught. Look online for more information.
Thank you for the continued opportunity to support the important work you do for our State’s children.