WA CPS Newsletter
July 15, 2022
There was recently a recall added by Clek on a child restraint. Be sure you are using the most recent list to check recalls dated 7/13/22. To access the list, click here
Tech Tip: Anytime you need to confirm whether a printed version of this recall list is still current, use a smartphone camera or reader app to scan the QR code at the top of the page.
This will take you to the SRN webpage where the list is posted and where its most current revision date is stated.
Washington State is host to the upcoming Lifesavers conference. Think about child passenger safety programs conducted in your community; is it something others would benefit from? Can it be replicated in other states? Is it new and innovative? Did it reach a high-risk population? Consider sharing your knowledge at Lifesavers by submitting an abstract to the planning committee! Abstracts are due September 2nd and need to be submitted at https://www.abstractscorecard.com/cfp/submit/login.asp?EventKey=VRGWSGAE
There were several virtual training sessions offered in Washington as we transition to 100% use of the NDCF beginning October 1, 2022. If you were not able to attend one of the sessions; or would like to listen to the training again, you can find the links below.
June 17th: the session was focused for the regional CPS leadership roles. https://nsc-org.zoom.us/rec/share/ethRXP9pkowsdWyYwJ0vq1OJswFX_SxJRnT-pARS_Ac6mQQ_iJGyODaW6GsL-4EH.CQnfBdtKIjhQPEju Passcode: sd9rGaN$ |
June 24: ALL CPS technicians were encouraged to attend. https://nsc-org.zoom.us/rec/share/kZD-FVEQh_W4ii8z1H9vOjnfKPxnwPgfzyEgdfoOfBUbgc5wUFIJxi25F0dXnclb.X2JfVCKUux6hAL97 Passcode: 7rWFZ#+H |
June 27: ALL CPS technicians were encouraged to attend. https://nsc-org.zoom.us/rec/share/GjDTp1z8n-8n2I4iMnWeTR_79752fmTwoURP9YLOuCZ6j5s_rBzlVYh_0i_lsN3_.qZrEk3YD_od262_8 Passcode: c5rm?GsP |
The new delivery method was created to expand the reach and accessibility of the nationally standardized certification training. The hybrid offering includes self-paced e-learning, virtual instructor-led trainings and in-person meeting components. The hybrid course offering is designed to fit the learning styles and schedules of anyone who would benefit from a flexible instruction setting. Some of Washington CPST instructors are in the process of earning the Instructor hybrid endorsement by completing the Instructor Hybrid Endorsement Training, which includes the new e-learning modules of the hybrid curriculum, a Train-the-Trainer e-learning and an accompanying quiz. Washington supports the hybrid approach and hopes to offer a CPST course in fiscal year 2023.
The recertification alternatives for technicians and instructors will no longer be available after January 1st, 2023. You may still utilize those alternatives for recertification until that point. Currently CPST/Is may submit additional CEU’s in place of reviewed seat checks and CPSTIs can submit additional Community Education hours in place of teaching hours. See the Policy Addendum here Recertification Alternatives for COVID. All alternatives must be entered into your certification profile prior to January 1st, 2023, to receive credit. Safe Kids Worldwide will be holding a few short webinars in August and November to answer any questions you may have related to this change. Information related to the webinars and details about the change will be sent to all certified technicians and instructors via email.
Requests for in-person car seat awareness training is on the rise. In an effort to accommodate this request while keeping our State curriculum consistent, a train-the-trainer is being offered. Please join us for the Car Seat Awareness Train the Trainer Workshop on September 22nd from 1:00-2:30pm via Zoom.
This workshop is for certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians who want to use the statewide Car Seat Awareness Class curriculum.
Curriculum Overview:
- Follows National CPST curriculum
- Covers birth to the adult seat belt
- Can be taught virtually or in person
- Provides a Letter of Completion for transporters for-hire (see sample attached)
Following the workshop you will receive class materials including the full Car Seat Awareness class PPT, a shortened version of the PPT, class handouts, Letter of Completion template, pre & post test questions, and class survey. For more information contact Shawneri Guzman sguzman@southsnofire.org or Cesi.